TIU 11 STEM Lending Library - TIU11 STEM Initiatives

Information regarding TIU STEM activities

Welcome to TIU 11’s STEM Resource Hub for our Educational Technology Center

Education Technology Center
Educational Resources: Lab/Rental Information

Need extra guidance or don’t know where
to look? Scroll through our educational resources to enhance and build your
confidence with these STEM products. Any questions or concerns please email a
TIU employee. Remember we are here to help you!
If you are interested in one of our STEM products let us know!

*Our Ed Tech Lab/Rental Equipment List: Click here

*Understand The Process To Check Out Equipment: Click here

*TIU 11 Lab Equipment Rental Agreement Form: Click here

Circuit Scribe

Let your creativity merge with science as you build exciting circuits using
our Circuit Scribe conductive ink pen, sweet magnetic modules, and plain old printer
paper. By placing the paper over a steel sheet, included in every kit, your paper
become the base for blinking lights, beeping buzzers, and whirring motors.

* Access Our Circuit Scribe Resource: Click here

Dash and Dot

Teaches children basic computer programming and coding skills.
Through the use of simple, easy to use apps, students can remotely operate Dash,
create an virtual path for Dash to follow on the floor, have Dash play the xylophone,
program Dash to toss a ping-pong ball, play hot potato with Dot.
Children can also create new behaviors with Dash and Dot with frequent interaction.

* Access Our Dash & Dot Resource: Click here

Dexter GoPiGo Base Kit

The GoPiGo is a complete kit to build your own robot car. GoPiGo works at the
level you are at, whether you are a parent looking for a smart, fun weekend project
to do with your kid, a teacher looking for a way to increase engagement in your
science course, or a grad student in need of a platform for your robotics research
that requires mobility.

* Access Our Dexter GoPiGo Resource: Click here

Grove Pi

GrovePi is an electronics board that you can connect to hundreds of different
sensors, so you can program them to monitor, control, and automate devices in your life.

* Access Our Dexter Grove Pi Resource: Click here

LEGO Mindstorms

A series of kits contain software and hardware to create customizable,
programmable robots. They include an intelligent brick computer that controls
the system, a set of modular sensors and motors, and Lego parts from the
Technic line to create the mechanical systems.

* Access Our LEGO Mindstorm Resource: Click here


Encourages imagination and creativity.
Students are engaged in problem solving in group or individual settings.

* Access Our Littlebits Resource: Click here

Makey Makey

Makes STEM Education fun! Start out easy with a banana piano.
First setup takes seconds. Then make game controllers, musical instruments, and countless inventions. Advance to additional inputs and multi-key remapping up to 18 keys. Ages 8 to infinity.

* Access Our Makey Makey Resource: Click here


To use tiny table-top robots to teach basic concepts of computer programming.
Ozobots read line pathways that are pre-made or student made to understand commands.Students learn these simple three-color-box pattern commands to draw a path guiding the robot where to go and what to do. LEDs illuminate from the top of each Ozobot matching the color path created for it.

* Access Our Ozobot Resource: Click here

Raspberry Pi 3

A low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python.

* Access Our Raspberry Pi Resource: Click here

Rokenbok Mobile STEM Lab

Rokenbok Mobile STEM Labs are designed to transform any space into a STEM Lab, Maker Space, or Robotics Lab. Each Rokenbok Mobile Lab is composed of Team Modules, which are easily detached from the mobile base and distributed to student teams. Each Rokenbok Mobile Lab features: Team Modules, Mobile Base, and STEM- Maker Curriculum

* Access Our Rokenbok Resource: Click here


you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations and share
your creations with others in the online community. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, work collaboratively, essential
skills for life in the 21st century. Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten
Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge.

* Access Our Scratch Resource: Click here

WeDo 2.0

This set is based upon the latest science standards and was created to enhance
students’ curiosity and science skills. The set is delivered in a storage bin along
with sorting trays, labels, a Smarthub, a Medium Motor, Motion Sensor, a Tilt Sensor, and enough building elements for two students. The accompanying desktop and tablet supported software provides an easy-to-use programming environment and includes the WeDo 2.0 Curriculum Pack, which covers life, physical, earth, and space sciences, as well as engineering. The accompanying eLearning program helps teachers to become confident users of the WeDo 2.0 Core Set.

* Access Our WeDo 2.0 Resource: Click here