

2527 US Highway 522 South
McVeytown, PA 17051


Quote Number QUO-211
Quote Date June 14, 2021
Total $8,250.00
York County School of Technology

2179 S. Queen St, York, PA 17402

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
30 STEM Inventions and Explorer Kit (Modified)

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Kit (includes USB power supply, 32gb SD Card with modified Raspberry Pi Operating System, Wifi dongle)Raspberry Pi Sense HAT (hardware attached on top)Raspberry Pi CameraPimoroni ExplorerHAT ProAutomation HATServoRobot Chassis Kit – 2WD with DC MotorsBattery PackScrewdriverBreadboard3 LEDs (Red, Yellow and Green)2 Buttons1 Buzzer3 ResistorsJumper cablesGPIO Leaflet, Controllable Four Outlet Power Relays per classroom set

Sub Total $8,250.00
Tax $0.00
Total $8,250.00